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Infertility treatment in Ayurveda in Delhi

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    Dr Abha Gupta (M.S. BAMS) is an Ayurvedic Gynecologist specializing into Infertility treatment in Ayurveda. She has successfully cured childless couples through Ayurvedic medicines over last 10 years.

    What is infertility?

    Infertility is state of inability to conceive. Female Infertility is a term used to denote the condition of a woman who has not been able to become pregnant after trying for a minimum of one year. If a woman has recurrent miscarriages, this condition is also called infertility.


    While Female infertility often results from hormone problems, physical problems and environmental or lifestyle factors. But, in most of the cases of female infertility it may result from problems with regards to producing eggs. One problem happens to be premature ovarian failure, a condition in which both the ovaries stop functioning even before natural menopause. Another problem is PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome wherein the ovaries fail to release an egg on a regular basis or does not release healthy eggs.


    As per Ayurveda, conception takes place due to healthy sperm, a healthy ovum, and a healthy uterus. For both men and women, reproductive health depends on the health of the Shukra dhatu, or reproductive tissue. In women the Shukra dhatu creates the ovum as part of the monthly cycle, and in men the semen is formed due to sexual stimulation.

    Causes of infertility:

    Infertility may be due to male or female factors. Causes of infertility in woman include ovarian factors, tubal factors, age-related factors, uterine problems, PCOS, endometriosis etc. Menstrual cycle can be affected by many factors, such as diet, emotional instability, excessive physical exercise, life-style, and stress responsible for creating an imbalance.

    Management of infertility in Ayurveda:

    Ayurveda supports health by strengthening body’s own self-healing and balancing mechanisms and doesn’t rely on intervention by any outside or foreign substance to replace or correct the hormones in the body. It focuses on the treatment of infertility holistically with an aim of improving the overall health and quality of life of the individual.

    Infertility Diet management

    Diet plays a vital role in the prevention and cure of diseases and in maintenance of good health. Dietary management involves strict compliance and adherence to foods that increase intersection factors of physical, mental and spiritual health of the body, responsible for overall health, energy and liveliness and to avoid the substances which diminish these.

    This is important to regulate ovulation and enhances fertilization. Eating whole foods provides all nutrients for the health of the body in addition to the fibers that influences hormonal levels of the body. Foods such as processed carbohydrates, excess starch, antibiotic and hormone laden meat and milk and canned produce destroy fertility.

    Infertility itself does not stand alone. It is the result of some other disease. Hence, Ayurveda herbs used in the treatment are directed towards eradicating the underlying cause. The most commonly known and used herbs such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Amalaki  are extremely useful formulations which help create the synergistic hormonal balance between the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH).

    No individual herb alone is considered useful for promoting fertility. Therefore, a combination of herbs is used in the treatment of infertility with the purpose of correcting an organic or functional problem that causes infertility.

    Ayurvedic herbs used in the treatment for infertility:

    • Ovulation disorder – Ashoka, Dashmoola, Shatavari, Aloe vera, Guggulu etc.
    • Premature ovarian failure (POF) – Ashoka, Dashmoola, Shatavari, Guduchi, Jeevanti etc.
    • Blocked fallopian tubes, adhesions (scar tissue) and pelvic inflammatory disease – Guduchi, Punarnava etc.